Monday, October 29, 2007

Saving the best for last, Pt. 1: Youtube

The first time I saw this, one of my friends posted it on her myspace page. The footage is a dance routine from a 1960's episode of The Ed Sullivan Show led by Gwen Verdon (I'm assuming she is the lady in the middle of the trio with all the mad dance skills) and choreographed by Bob Fossi (again, no clue who that is but I get the impression he is/was a "big deal" as far as choreography goes). The original audio has been dubbed over with Unk's "Walk it Out" (currently a popular song on the radio). I chose this video because a) those ladies have got some moves! (I wish I could dance like that!) and b) it illustrates a phenomenon that I have encountered frequently on youtube.

Just for contrast, here is the footage with its original audio. (The song is called "Mexican Breakfast")

This is an example of something that people do a lot on youtube and I don't really understand it. I mean, its mildly entertaining, but I don't really get the point of dubbing different music over say, the opening credits to a tv show or any random video clip for that matter...Not to be rude or anything, but don't these people have anything better to do?

I've used youtube mainly as a distraction to kill time up until this point. I like the sharing feature and use it on my myspace page or to post comments on others' pages quite often. However, I can see a lot of potential uses for myspace in the library world. In my field of expertise, I could use it to search for storytime and programming ideas, or to post my own. I have also seen other library sites post video of actual storytimes for those who couldn't make it to the live storytime. I see youtube as an innovative opportunity for outreach.

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