Saturday, October 6, 2007


Okay, see...I'm conflicted. I want to be enthusiastic about Technorati, but since I started using bloglines, I have grown to love it. I just love an alphabetical list of things, its the librarian in me I guess. So Technorati, with its tagging and crazy searches and whatnot is just not my fave thing. I know they do different things, but I'm having tech overload here, and I can't handle it at the moment. My first impression of Technorati is that it's too much going on at one time and it is very overwhelming. I'm not interested in tagging this blog, but I do like the fact that if I ever create a professional blog for my branch/dept.--this is one way to publicize it and get the information out to the public.

My results in the searching part of this exercise were vastly different. I really prefer the blog directory search and the tag search because I see myself using this to find specific information about specific topics, so a keyword search is too overcrowded and aggravates me. I was surprised that the "popular" blogs list was mostly populated by "techy" types of things. I'm not so interested in that I have to confess.

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